Evaluación de Artículos

Manuscript Submission and Confidentiality

When authors submit a manuscript to Revista Discimus, the editors remove any information that could identify the author. This includes names, email addresses, affiliations, and acknowledgments. The entire process is carried out through an online platform that protects the author's identity.

Originality Check with Turnitin

To ensure originality and avoid plagiarism, all manuscripts are reviewed using the Turnitin program. Here’s how this process works:

Manuscript format: It must be submitted in Word or PDF format so that Turnitin can review it.

Similarity Index: A similarity index below 15% is acceptable, as long as the matches do not affect key sections like the methodology or conclusions.

Important matches: Special attention is given to the introduction, discussion, and conclusion sections. Matches must be correctly cited.

Plagiarism issues: If serious plagiarism issues are found, the manuscript will be rejected.

AI-generated content: Turnitin can also detect if the text was created by artificial intelligence. If a high percentage of automatically generated content is found, the author will need to explain and revise the manuscript.

Deadlines: The Turnitin report is generated within the first 7 business days after the manuscript is received. If corrections are needed, the author has 10 business days to submit them.

Peer Review (Double-Blind)

The peer review process is carried out anonymously:

Reviewer selection: Reviewers are experts in the manuscript's subject area and have no relationship with the authors to avoid conflicts of interest.

Review process: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, methodology, results, and writing quality. The feedback they provide is anonymous and constructive.

Reviewer discrepancies: If reviewers disagree, the editorial team may request a third opinion or consult a specialist.

Final decision: After the review, the editorial team decides whether the manuscript is accepted, needs revisions, or is rejected.

Process Timeline

The total time between manuscript submission and the final decision is approximately 12 weeks. This time may vary as the reviewers volunteer their time, prioritizing the quality of the evaluation over the speed of the process.

This process ensures that the articles published in Revista Discimus meet the highest academic quality standards.