Acceso Abierto

The Discimus Journal reaffirms its commitment to open access for all its published content. In accordance with our mission to promote the dissemination of knowledge without economic, legal, or technical barriers, all articles are freely accessible for reading and downloading by any reader.

We fully adhere to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), which establishes the fundamental principle that academic research should be available without restrictions to the global community. We firmly believe that open access is essential for the advancement of knowledge and the democratization of science, and we continuously strive to ensure that all our editorial and publishing processes respect and promote these principles.

As Discimus Journal and under the direction of the Corporación Discimus, we uphold the following open access principles and practices:

  1. Free and Open Access: All articles and content published in the journal are available to anyone without any cost, subscription, or payment, ensuring free access and distribution.

  2. Open Licenses: We promote the use of Creative Commons licenses that allow for the reuse, distribution, and modification of works, provided the original authorship is acknowledged and the terms defined by the authors are respected.

  3. Absence of Technical Restrictions: Our content is accessible without technical limitations, allowing for reading and downloading in multiple formats and on various devices, thus promoting digital inclusivity.

  4. Global Dissemination and Knowledge Democratization: We strive to make academic output available to a global audience, without geographic or linguistic restrictions, promoting equitable access to knowledge in all regions.

  5. No Costs for Authors: We do not require authors to pay fees for the publication of their works, thereby avoiding economic barriers to the dissemination of their research.

  6. Transparency in Editorial Processes: We guarantee open and participatory editorial processes, with anonymous and transparent peer review focused on quality and academic rigor.

  7. Support for Open Science: We align with the promotion of open data, open educational resources, and open review practices, fostering an accessible and collaborative knowledge ecosystem.

  8. Commitment to International Declarations: We adhere to major international declarations and frameworks for open access, such as the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), Plan S, and other initiatives that promote broad and equitable access to scientific knowledge.

For more information, visit the Budapest Open Access Initiative.