Política de Autoarchivo y Preservación Digital

Self-Archiving and Digital Preservation Policy at the Discimus Digital Education Journal

The Discimus Digital Education Journal, aware of the importance of long-term preservation of academic and scientific knowledge, has adopted a robust self-archiving and digital preservation policy. To ensure continuous availability and accessibility of our content for future generations, Discimus proudly collaborates with leading preservation systems such as CLOCKSS and LOCKSS, and is supported by the National Library of Colombia. These initiatives securely and permanently store all published content, ensuring its integrity and accessibility regardless of any future circumstances.

Self-Archiving with CLOCKSS and LOCKSS

CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) are digital preservation systems that create secure and permanent archives of the journal to ensure that published material is reliably preserved and accessible in the long term. These systems ensure that if the journal ceases to be published or suffers any type of data loss, the content remains accessible to researchers, students, and the general public. By participating in CLOCKSS and LOCKSS, Discimus demonstrates its commitment to preserving academic knowledge and its sustained accessibility.

Collaboration with the National Library of Colombia

In addition to our participation in CLOCKSS and LOCKSS, Discimus has established a significant collaboration with the National Library of Colombia. This strategic alliance allows all articles published in our journal to be deposited in the digital repository of the National Library, one of the country's most prestigious institutions for preserving cultural and academic heritage. This collaboration not only increases the visibility and reach of our content but also contributes to the Library's mission of safeguarding Colombia's documentary heritage.

Our Commitment to Self-Archiving

Discimus actively promotes self-archiving by our authors. We firmly believe in the authors' right to deposit copies of their work in personal or institutional repositories, provided that the original publication in our journal is recognized. This approach promotes the dissemination of knowledge and facilitates open access to quality educational research.

By implementing these self-archiving and digital preservation policies, Discimus ensures that the knowledge and discoveries shared in our journal are securely preserved and accessible to future generations of educators, researchers, and students. We are committed to advancing open science and education, ensuring that our academic legacy endures over time.