Directrices Autores

Guidelines for Authors

For the submission of manuscripts to our journal, it is essential that all authors provide a letter of originality assurance. This letter must confirm that all contributors agree with the content of the submitted work.

Manuscripts intended for publication may be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. It is crucial that these texts maintain standards of clarity, cohesion, relevance, and significance to be considered for publication.

The acceptance of a manuscript for review does not guarantee its final publication. It will undergo an evaluation process that may take between six to twelve weeks, depending on the journal’s workload.

Our editorial team will be responsible for verifying that the manuscript complies with the journal’s guidelines. The article will also be subjected to duplicate content analysis using specialized software, Turnitin. In the event of a violation, the manuscript will be rejected.

If the article passes the initial review phase, it will be subjected to the scrutiny of at least two experts in the relevant field, following a double-blind review model. The outcome of this evaluation can be: approved, approved with revisions, or rejected.

If revisions are suggested, the editor will communicate the details and deadline for corrections to the authors. The revised article must be submitted within this period, accompanied by a report addressing the reviewers' comments.

Approved articles will undergo a final process of editing and graphic design. A final version will be sent to the authors for their approval before publication.

Submission Guidelines for Articles


The author submitting the manuscript will act as the primary contact and must keep all co-authors informed about the review process.

The document must be submitted following the criteria required by the journal.

Article Title: Should be clear and concise, avoiding abbreviations. A maximum of 15 words is recommended.

 Authors: Include complete information about each of the authors, which should contain:

  - Full name according to IRALIS criteria.

  - Most recent academic title.

  - Complete institutional affiliation, including location.

  - Institutional email address.

  - Active ORCID for all authors.

  - Active CvLAC for all authors (Colombian Authors).

The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to publish articles that do not comply with these guidelines or do not make the suggested corrections within the assigned time. Additionally, once the review process has begun, changes to the list of authors will not be permitted.

Papers should include: title, abstract/abstract and keywords/Keywords in Spanish and English; introduction, development, results, discussion and/or conclusions, and bibliographic references. Tables, photographs, and figures may be included within the text.

The abstract should not exceed 300 words in the Spanish version and the corresponding amount in the abstract version, outlining the objective and scope of the work and highlighting the most important results. Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract, nor should references be cited.

The total document should not exceed 7,500 words.

Keywords should be descriptors that reflect the content of the article as accurately as possible, facilitating thematic research by users. The UNESCO Thesaurus is recommended as a reference.

The introduction should contain justification, the problem to be solved, methodology, and main conclusions.

References should be presented in APA version 7 format, listed in alphabetical order by the first author's surname, without numbering or dashes. The term Bibliography should not be used as a synonym for bibliographic references, and unpublished works should be avoided.

On the first page of the article, the complete title, abstract, and keywords should be present according to the format required for submission. The format is single-column, single-spaced, with margins of 2 cm on the left, 2 cm on the right, 3 cm at the top, and 3 cm at the bottom, in Times New Roman 12 font. Citation and formatting standards must be according to those indicated in the model document.


Marked with Arabic numerals, should be succinct and used only when strictly necessary. Moreover, they should be in a smaller font size and aligned to the left at the bottom of the page.


Should be placed in quotes and italicized (e.g., "interview transcription, speech, etc.").


All citations must follow APA format.

Citations in the text should be by the author's surname with the initial capitalized, followed by the year in parentheses, e.g., (Surname, Year). Works with up to three authors can be cited in full, separated by semicolons, e.g., (Surname; Surname; Surname, Year). For works with more than three authors, use the surname of the first author followed by et al., e.g., (Surname, et al., Year).

- Direct or literal quotations in the text: should follow the format: (Surname, Year, pp.). For up to three lines, quotations are placed in quotes and not italicized. For more than three lines, quotations should follow the pattern: separated paragraph, 1 cm distance from the margin to the paragraph, Times New Roman 11 font size, without quotes and not italicized.

- Indirect citations: when the author is mentioned in the text, place the author's surname with the initial of the first name separated by a comma, and the year, in parentheses. Surname (Year)

- Citations of various documents from the same author published in the same year are distinguished by adding lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, after the date without space. Surname (1927a), Surname (1927b)

- Authors cited must be listed in the references at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to APA standards.