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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://revistadiscimus.com/index.php/01
Title Discimus. Revista Digital de Educación
Publisher Revista Discimus
Description DISCIMUS: Revista digital de educación ISSN: 2954-5781, es una publicación enmarcada en el campo de la educación, pedagogía y didáctica, que busca la divulgación de resultados de investigaciones a través de artículos de investigación, reflexiones, ensayos, experiencias y escritos donde prima la investigación educativa como eje fundamental. La revista cuenta con dos volúmenes anuales y en cada edición se convocan semilleros de investigación, laboratorios didácticos, redes de maestros y maestros de aula, que buscan ampliar los debates a través de sus experiencias pedagógicas, intervenciones didácticas, revisiones documentales, propuestas pedagógicas y narrativas escolares
ISSN 2954-5781
Language(s) English (en)
Spanish (es)
Portuguese (pt_BR)
Publisher Email contacto@revistadiscimus.com

Open Access Policy at Discimus Journal

Discimus Journal is committed to the promotion of free circulation of scientific and academic knowledge, simultaneously ensuring appropriate acknowledgment for our authors while adhering to the ethical principles of scientific publishing. In alignment with this goal, Discimus publishes all its articles under the ATTRIBUTION-NONCOMMERCIAL-SHAREALIKE 4.0 INTERNATIONAL CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


What does this imply for authors, readers, and the scientific community?

1. Usage Freedom: Under the  license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, anyone is allowed to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) the articles published in Discimus, for any purpose, including commercially.

2. Attribution: Users must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made to the original work. This credit must include the author's citation, the article title, the publication in Discimus, and, if feasible, the DOI of the article. This attribution should not in any way suggest that the authors or Discimus endorse the use made of the work.

3. Share Alik: If users remix, transform, or build upon the material, they must distribute their contributions under the identical license as the original.

Rights This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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