Training teachers and students in networks. Brazil and Colombia: An experience of thinking about the interactions of cultures and knowledge
Experience of thinking, training in networks, transformation of ideasAbstract
The reflections presented that make up this text present a practical experience that emerges from the concrete action signed between teachers, from Brazil and Colombia, at some point in our articulations and discussions in relation to the action plans that took place in the VIII Ibero-American Meeting of Collectives and Networks of Teachers and Educators that carry out Research and Innovation from the School and the Community, held in Mexico, in July 2017. From the beginning of the formation in networks, we assume the experiences of the pedagogical expeditions promoting the debate and transformation of ideas, we plan teaching practices marked by the cultural exchange of knowledge between teachers and students of the respective countries. Adopting a critical stance of traditional educational and pedagogical systems, the proposed practices were systematized and based on the perspective of peer training (Suárez, 2006), as practicing subjects (Certeau, 1994, 1996) focused on pedagogical research in relation to the school experience (Larrosa, 2004), in and with the everyday (Certeau, 1994; Ferraço, 2003, 2007), this being thought of as the place of production of knowledge. In this article we aim to present sequences of teaching practices with vision and political-inventive dimension of everyday life. Invention that gives another meaning to the curriculum, articulating the teaching of philosophy favoring the awakening of our consciences, about ourselves and about the world in which we are inserted and how we relate to it, various strategies were adopted so that the teaching process and learning lead students to the experience of thinking about childhood (Kohan, 2013).
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