Impact of a Didactic Strategy on Cognitive Skills of Critical Thinking.
critical thinking, didactic strategy, high school education, cognitive perspective, quantitative paradigmAbstract
The promotion of comprehensive education in the school environment requires the development of critical thinking in students, which today is seen as an educational urgency. This type of thinking enables the development of cognitive skills for processing information, evaluating judgments, arguing, and making decisions. Its development is urgent in the Latin American context so that young people have solid tools to exercise their citizenship critically and responsibly. Critical thinking, from a cognitive scientific perspective, involves the development of higher-order mental skills that facilitate informed decision-making, limit bias, and expand the understanding of phenomena of different natures. The purpose of the research is to analyze the effect of a didactic strategy based on constructivism, the scientific community of inquiry, and formative assessment on enhancing critical thinking as a 21st-century competency. This is achieved through the application of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal to determine the curricular relevance of the proposal. Within the framework of a quantitative, quasi-experimental, cross-sectional, comparative-explanatory methodological design, the validated Watson-Glaser test is applied to 92 high school students. Data derived from the pretest and posttest are processed and analyzed using SPSS software, employing parametric statistics. The application of the test demonstrates the positive effect of the didactic strategy on enhancing students' critical thinking. It is concluded that such curricular proposals are pertinent in classroom work
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