Emergency Education Strategies: Lessons from Colombia and Argentina for Future Scenarios.
• Education in emergencies, • Pedagogical strategies, • Educational equity, • COVID-19 pandemic, • Digital divideAbstract
This study explores the educational strategies implemented in Colombia and Argentina during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the lessons learned to improve equity in education in emergency contexts. Through an integrative review, academic and normative sources, as well as interviews with education policy experts from both countries, were examined. The study emphasizes the resilience of educational communities but warns against romanticizing this resilience, as doing so may undermine the need for adequate institutional support. The analysis also reveals how the emergency exacerbated educational inequalities, particularly regarding access to digital technologies. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of risk management, emphasizing the need for vulnerability assessments and structural planning to mitigate the impact of future emergencies. The study argues that anticipatory preparation prevents reactive or welfarist responses and helps build more sustainable educational systems. It also highlights the fundamental social role of educational institutions, noting that collaboration between teachers, families, and communities is key to overcoming challenges. Additionally, while virtual education was effective in some cases, it cannot replace in-person education and must be complemented by adequate resources to ensure equity. Finally, the study stresses the relevance of students' mental health and socio-emotional well-being, considering this an essential aspect for future educational policies. The lessons learned suggest the need for inclusive, collaborative, and risk-based approaches to strengthen the equity and resilience of the educational system in the face of future emergencies.
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